12 results

  • Nested Density featured image

    Nested Density

    Projecting imagery onto building facades is not only becoming a marketing necessity for successful urban spectacles but is also altering social urban…
  • Hurricane-acoustic Glazing Barriers Using New Interlayer Technology featured image

    Hurricane-acoustic Glazing Barriers Using New Interlayer Technology

    In the last twenty years we have seen the development of polymer interlayers for laminated glass where the resin compositions have been optimized for…
  • Green Wall Rainscreen featured image

    Green Wall Rainscreen

    Green Wall applications are growing in popularity around the world. Often thought of as a decorative element they provide much more than aesthetic…
  • The Tectonics of Flimsiness featured image

    The Tectonics of Flimsiness

    Architecture has traditionally celebrated the joining of two building components or materials. Joinery serves as a key site for architectural…
  • Stainless Steel 101 featured image

    Stainless Steel 101

    This paper presents a summary of the industry advances beyond T304 and T316 austenitic stainless steels. The greater availability of precipitation…
  • Facade with Innovation featured image

    Facade with Innovation

    Shanshui City and Star Bund Center can be considered as representative projects of RFR Shanghai recently Both provide creative solutions for complex…
  • Curved Forming Panel Facades featured image

    Curved Forming Panel Facades

    The performative and visual aspects of curved forming/bending thin “formable” planar materials is explored. Early tests for deflection indicate that…
  • Controlling Anisotropy in Heat Treated Glass featured image

    Controlling Anisotropy in Heat Treated Glass

    Anisotropy is also known as Brewster marks, quench marks, strain pattern, leopard spots, Iridescence, etc. Although anisotropy is inevitable when…
  • Adaptive Facades featured image

    Adaptive Facades

    Facade engineering aims at appropriately balancing the demands imposed by the context and the capabilities inherent to the materials, the geometries…
  • Mixed Reality in Facade Education featured image

    Mixed Reality in Facade Education

    Developments in performative computational analysis, mass customization, and complex form manipulation revolutionized building envelope design…
  • Orbit Tower featured image

    Orbit Tower

    While most of high-rise buildings feature a core surrounded by a spatial frame defining the volume, one could envision a column-free plan where the…