74 results

  • Put Your Sweater On!

    During the particularly cold first months of 1977 President Jimmy Carter, in what some call “The Sweater Speech,” famously noted how much energy

  • Hardened Facades Effects on Structural Systems

    To ensure the safety of U.S diplomatic personnel overseas, the U.S Department of State (DoS) has developed facade retrofits capable of resisting high

  • Glass Strength Under Point Loading

    Structural glass is used in a range of building applications, and while the ASTM E1300 has recently been updated to provide a design method to

  • Fire Safety in High Rise Exterior Facades

    One of the most complex yet least understood areas where fire can spread is at the perimeter of a building. Fire can not only spread from

  • EUI of Building Clusters

    Large master planned developments such as Battery Park City in Manhattan, Mission Bay in San Francisco, and Playa Vista in Los Angeles were built

  • Designing Structural Laminated Glass

    Laminated glass with standard PVB has long been used for safety and security due to its ability to adhere the broken glass fragments together. As the

  • Design Considerations

    Window glass design using ASTM E 1300 entails determining glass thickness(es) and types so that the window glass construction load resistance

  • Deconstructing the Window

    Over the years, the industry has relied heavily on the increasing performance of low-e coatings to drive window U-factors (thermal transmittance)

  • Curved Forming Panel Facades

    The performative and visual aspects of curved forming/bending thin “formable” planar materials is explored. Early tests for deflection indicate that