6 results

  • Facade and electric lighting integration

    <p>Facades and electric lighting systems are, for the most part, still considered as separate systems throughout the design, installation,…

  • Skin Deep: Health, Wellness, and the Facade System

    Here we are, a full year after the initial COVID-19 surge rocked the United States. It’s hard to believe we’ve been living through the pandemic for a full year at this point; and yet it also feels like it’s been multiple years. We are beginning to see glimmers of hope on the horizon as more people..

  • The Double Skin Facade featured image

    The Double Skin Facade

    <p>The largest source of air pollution in North America is the atmospheric boundary layer of a city caused by its urban canyons with pollutants…

  • Direct Sun and Occupant Comfort featured image

    Direct Sun and Occupant Comfort

    <p>Direct sun on the body is a known potential cause of thermal discomfort for occupants, yet most thermal comfort simulations do not capture its…

  • 2019 Request for Research concept Briefs

    The FTI Research Committee is requesting Research Concept Briefs describing a team and approach for evaluating industry needs and challenges surrounding four key topic areas in which FTI has identified a need to accelerate innovation. The proposed research will clearly identify knowledge gaps and ba