Fabric-Formed Robotic Facades

The Robotic Positioning of Fabric Formwork



The method proposed is derived from a parametric workflow that employs the precision of 6-axis robots and the flexibility of fabric to rapidly create a fabric formwork. Complex geometries can be cost-effectively executed in a precise digital to physical workflow.

Conventional concrete casting techniques are labor-intensive, material-intensive and inaccurate, making them unsustainable and inefficient for facades with variable, organic geometries. As a result, parametric design must be rationalized and reduced to meet the requirements of conventional construction techniques.

After consideration of some historical and commercial antecedents as well as current applications, a six-axis system is delineated using identical flexible fabric sleeves. Custom built end effectors are positioned by a pair of programmed six-axis industrial robots to capture and stretch the sleeves into positions based on locations extracted from a 3D model. An intricate series of unique objects are composed as dictated by the design. Custom, large-scale assemblies are proposed for manufacture to meet the specific project needs of load-bearing facades and glazing modules.


Photo of Joseph Sarafian

Joseph Sarafian



Photo of Ron Culver

Ron Culver


Culver Architects Inc.




The innovations of mid-century modernism are giving way to a technological paradigm shift in design. Values of restraint are being replaced by the geometric exuberance of Parametricism. Variations in building

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"Mass Customization" Replaces Mass Production

Just as Fordism facilitated mass production, rapid prototyping has lead to a second industrial revolution: mass customization. The ability to create repetition through the engineered

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The first prototype, Fabric Forms, (Fig. 6) exhibits the robotic casting process delineated below. This built proof of concept for a self-supporting structure consists of 13 individual pieces of

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Project Data

Flexible Fabric

This project relies on Lycra, a type of flexible fabric similar to Spandex. The original patent held by Joseph Shivers on segmented copolyetherester elastomers (otherwise known as Spandex)

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Future Research

Methods to use this system within facade design can take two paths. One explores the use of small-scale components aggregated into a 3D lattice on a building substructure. This approach

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The dissemination of robotic fabric formwork into the construction industry enables the realization of the next generation of parametric, node-based lattice structures and significantly reduces concrete construction costs for conventional

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This work was initially conducted at UCLA Suprastudio with lecturer Julia Koerner and early contributions from Shobitha Jacob, Oscar Li, and Qi Zhang. Special thanks go to Peter Vikar and Greg Lynn for their support.

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