This committee was recently formed to develop an awards program for the Institute. The FTI Awards Program is intended to recognize those project teams and their projects that have made extraordinary contributions in the advancement of facade design, engineering, production, fabrication, installation and long-term performance. The projects and teams recognized should exhibit the goals of the Institute in advancing the science and art of designing, planning, and constructing high performance building facades for the benefit of the public.
The program is formative but includes a number of specific awards. The committee is proposing an annual odd-year event (the World Congress is convened on even years) as a one-day symposium and awards banquet. The intent is to announce the new awards program and the 2021 inaugural event at the 2020 World Congress in March.
This committee is open to anyone with an interest in acknowledging the facade-related achievements of note in the AECO industry. Applications to this committee are considered by the committee members on a case-by-case basis.