GPD Glass Performance Days Finland

The new normal has brought about challenges that greatly require interdisciplinary approach to achieve the desired goals. The new normal requires us to re-think on how we do almost everything. We need to re-look and evaluate how we plan, design, produce and distribute goods and services in order to address the ever changing demands the industry faces today.

Going it alone may be convenient, but not be the most productive. That is why our focus will be on Growth through Partnership!

The modular program of the event will consist of the following:

  • October 19-20, Exclusive Workshops
  • October 20 – 22, Conference Part (3 parallel technical sessions each day) and Business and Networking Part. In 2021, we will not have the usual exhibition, but we will provide a unique environment that will allow business and networking discussions in both days.
  • We are now calling for papers!